free improvisation with Peter Aerni, Tinu Hettich and Adrian Russi
in the frame of BETA-Festival Bern
3. March 2018
Adrian Russi & Jörg Hassmann
5' Open Improvisation
July 2005
at ECITE in Estonia
Adrian Russi & Patrick Collaud
"PLAY" - from solistic dialogue into Contact Improvisation
June 2010
Basel / Switzerland
Body & Soul
Eva Widmann and Adrian Russi, Video: Christian Jamin
Contact Improvisation on the cathedrales square in Basel / CH - open improvisation
February 2004
Moving Men in Freiburg / GER
Charlie Morrissey, Jacky Miredin, Adrian Russi & Barnaby O'Rorke (Cello)
Free Improvisation, based on Contact Improvisation
August 2008
in the frame of the International Contactfestival Freiburg
Moving Men in Berne / CH
Charlie Morrissey, Jacky Miredin , Adrian Russi & Heidi Moll (e-Bass)
sections from 2 performances (both 20' Open Improvisation), edited by Jacky Miredin
February 2008
at the festival "Heimspiel" in Dampfzentrale Berne
Photo at the top: Milano Jam 04; Dancers: Manuela Blanchard, Adrian Russi